
Oct. 20, 2013: Canada's bridge to Ukraine via the EU

According to a media release from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, this year's XXIV Triennial Congress - slated for November 8-10 in Toronto - will include an address from Canada's Prime Minister.  Also, the bulletin mentions that the program for this Congress will feature:

  • Ukrainian culture, language and contribution for Canada;
  • Holodomor awareness on this, the 80th and most solemn anniversary;
  • Ukraine - one year after its elections. [1]

However, there is no specific mention of some monumental and historic events and happenings - some positive, some negative - relating to Ukraine.  For example:

  • the European Union's Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius starting on November 28th, which will hopefully see the signing of an Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine;
  • the worsening political, economic, cultural and social atmosphere in Ukraine, brought upon by the president's authoritarian regime and its influence or control over the other branches of government, including many high-level related agencies and institutions.

My hope is that delegates to the XXIV Triennial Congress will find a way to bring these issues to the forefront at some point in the program.  I would like to think that this historic opportunity facing the UCC should not be missed … imagine if there had been a Congress of this magnitude and significance in the 1930s in Canada - perhaps with responsible diaspora action, the tragedy of the Holodomor could have been militated or at least mitigated.  While a phenomenon of the magnitude of the Holodomor may not be threatening Ukraine at present, there is certainly enough treachery and malice present in Ukraine's leadership and governance to cause serious concern and worry for its citizens - a feeling that should agitate all Ukrainians around the world and lead them into organized community action to send a message to the thugs and bandits running/ruining Ukraine today.

Last week, Canada and the European Union announced the successful conclusion of negotiations for a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.  Canada, especially its Ukrainian community, now has a great reason to help see Ukraine enter into the EU family of nations - properly and with esteem.  In doing so, it is important to respect and promote the recent positions taken by the European Union and its constituent organizations, such as the European Court for Human Rights, the European Parliament's Cox-Kwasniewski Mission to Ukraine and the Council of Europe's Venice Commission.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress and this year's XXIV Triennial Congress are being presented a great opportunity to address some serious and disturbing trends in Ukraine today - I hope the opportunity is not squandered.


Andy Holowaty - aka Andrij Holovatyj - is an IT consultant in Toronto, a media analyst in the Ukrainian-Canadian community and a contributor to Kontakt Ukrainian Television via the new media project known as #450UA … for more, please see: 450ua.blogspot.com


Notes …

[1] UCC MEDIA RELEASE - posted on Oct. 19, 2013 … "Prime Minister to Address XXIV Triennial Congress"
